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After yesterday Hubačka I still remained a bit of mushrooms, our soup did not want scrambled eggs already had, so I made this cake was a success, and flavor. You may be inspired, because mushroom gathering season is just beginning :)
Raw materials yeast dough: 2 cups flour 3/4 cup lukewarm water 1/3 cube yeast 1 tsp salt 1/2 tsp sugar 1 US oil For the filling: fresh mushrooms, leek mixture (more) fatty pork bacon smoked salt, crushed cumin or other fungal cream cheese Niva Šľahačková
From the raw dough dough sweep, decorequip or let the machine work. Come to mind also the password from the times of socialism, which in our years-rokúce great hall was decorated in the local collective farm: "People thinking - machine work" :) I think that is still valid today;-)
In a pan put about a tablespoon of lard and add the mushrooms. Season with salt and sprinkle of crushed cumin. Turn enough water so they simmer covered until the end uncover and stew in fat. Shrunken therefore decorequip properly.
My dough was high, so I let him bake longer, about 40 minutes to adjust the length of your baking adequate quantity. Me almost missed the baking dish :) After baking, let cool almost completely, even if it costs a lot of effort, because it smells wonderfully :)
afataga, June 2, 2013 on 15:49 praise from doing mushrooms in the ointment, said it only me, but I would not give the mushroom blue cheese is quite significant and beats fungal flavor, cheese you better be ingested rather decorequip than become moldy:-)
mariamka, June 2, 2013 on 16:02 mushrooms by breaking out but maybe not :) Suchohřib are as flavoring decorequip significantly to dominate .. You are now gorging son already second decorequip time, said it's great .. but it is a matter of course taste
cesminaz, June 2, 2013 on 19:08mariamka ..nema a bug mnaaamm decorequip .. love taketo rubbed; -DD store and Definitely try it, but I do without the bacon .. KK
mariamka, June 3, 2013 on 07:16 Thanks for your comments :) mile) with a clear conscience that I can rub Pie recommend and certainly well as the cheese, whole fell yesterday for his country, even my parents tasted :)
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