Sunday, January 25, 2015

havino, March 12, 2012 at 12:05 find them beautiful, I have other and perhaps not doing a good year Home News World Regions Ekomomika Culture Sport Weather history Opinions on Most Commercial Housing Administration Magazines Car Travel Money Cocktail Profession school VAT Christmas Animals Female Health Journal Spoon Cake Recipe Ideas Advice Cars Real Estate Jobs Computer Camera Phones Requests Wow Further ads BIRDZ Blog Flog Animals Relax Let's read to children Debate Festivals Galleries Theatres Cinemas Concerts cranial Horoscopes Sudoku Contests TV program drum mixer Retail Shop Discount Pharmacy Flowers Wine - Pivnička Hand Reality ePravda Subscriptions to newspapers Club
10 servings
And that was stirred ... I always use gloves because in my opinion, they should be used by anyone who prepares food that is also for others drum mixer (if only for himself, so it's a problem that will be unhygienic food) ... :)
The dough can wrap in cling film to us neobschlo. Pare a rough circle about 1 cm and start "toil" in the machine ... I'm starting to štrupny "0". At the primary level interleave paper and prevaľkám several times in order to completely smooth dough.
The dough can give you the example dry cloth. The dough should be so dry that it can be folded drum mixer back without breaking but may not be completely wet, because then we noodles from sticking during drying in one pile and would be at the sacking ... (for me it is usually about 45 min.) .
jjanosik, March 8, 2012 at 21:59 in the title is that I noodles; drum mixer Yet in this recipe is not stainless steel:-) also a little salt to the dough will not hurt if the salt is not the gold! The fact remains drum mixer that the home noodles are delicious, especially when they are cooked immediately after cutting (These gloves would probably not without holes, because my blades are sharp "Shaving Line").
evanaaa, March 8, 2012 at 22:31jjanosik, these noodles are right, no need to "catch" for words - therefore you think noodles. drum mixer As for the salt - which shall be affixed to stay because it would from her moist, so at least you'll be a little smarter, and with regard to the immediate cooking can also now, but if done in stocks, nothing will happen, will more preferably, drum mixer the dried pasta. If someone exertion, or just make them by hand, so it pays to do more to stocks. @ Michal1977, you got it for me. And add recipes will be pleased.
michal1977, March 9, 2012 at 9:08braxi I was doing well with flour and it is not as fajné as the smooth ...evanaaa's right, the one who cooks often, knows that salt dough binds water and then the dough is not suitable for drying :))), it is like sugar and cream cheese ...zsuzsu I also made them by hand, but this machine is faster especially in the Valkanas ...
bejgi, March 9, 2012 at 11:16 home noodles are home, my grandmother others are not doing, they never did not buy them a knife and cuts up the finger, I was always afraid that he is cut off some because the noodles were like hair joj beauty, I would not have done it, had a divine hand and I shall not remain about anything just to buy a razor :))))
korbacik, March 9, 2012 at 12:02 This week was our spring break, so I played two days with homemade pasta. I have a razor, but I did manually, lasagne and cubes into soups. From flour'm still not done, it will not be very sticky dough? I think it's worth a try, at least two eggs :) If eggs are quite yellow, adding Malinke turmeric. drum mixer
michal1977, March 9, 2012 at 15:07megginr,bejgi As I said, I used to do a clean hand, but our grandmothers walked in the evening from work and then ... I cooked everything drum mixer they got me working after work hours is not so much :(
michal1977, drum mixer March 9, 2012 at 15:09korbacik in my opinion, are the best of flour and does not stick ... I used home eggs so prepared noodles were beautiful yellow, but as you mentioned, it can also be used turmeric, containing a small amount drum mixer leaves a bad taste but gives only a nice yellow color :)
havino, March 12, 2012 at 12:05 find them beautiful, I have other and perhaps not doing a good year and I always Valkane hand, and cut, now I have movement and sweep the robot, vygúlam on the appliance, but the county has its own, I enjoy it, including me hands were not, on Thursday I did the 7 eggs, dried to give the bowl and I have three Sundays, if not hand ...
anna70, July 13, 2012 at 08:52 Michal, hats off. No water, I like that, right domestic noodles makes no never with water. drum mixer With smooth flour I not tried, tested. Movement as a starting housekeeper drum mixer I do, I'll drum mixer carve by hand, just a basic own cookbook, drum mixer and I am looking for garnish the soup, your Receptíky is excellent, nice day wishes from Prague Anka from Ves.
tourist, 16 March 2013 12:13 Also do I do about a pound of flour, rolling on the contraption and verge. cut into thin noodles, and the whole then siflik a part Chopping drum mixer give sideways, then the county for the tiny cutters drum mixer and come out of him vermicelli. I also tried "lasagne", but they like on drying shook badly and then stored. If anyone knows a feint to be equal, I am grateful to each row.
Cinter, June 24, 2013 on 15:41 there is the handiwork! Movement I have 20 Roko

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