I have over ten years almost fulker every summer, spent a week in protuleiri's a chef. The concept is unknown: it is a religiously and politically neutral aikuistumisleiristä. Protuleiri is a confession of the camp alternative ethics for students studying for young people, but open to all. Protulla lessons instead of at the center of a whole bunch of mutual discussions, to varying topics of workshops and exercises, and of course any kind of a nice camp job, such as a sauna, swimming and playing. I went to their own encamp around the age of 15. A pair of summer I was just helps with, and later as an adult instructor, but in recent years I have enjoyed more with the kitchen. Cooking for large groups seems to me terribly satisfactory. Protuleirit are also in the way close to my heart, that I want people to feel at home in those as well. The food is not that I think a small part.
Eight days in a sustainable camp eaten namely, fulker five times a day: there is a breakfast, lunch, snack, dinner and supper. Participants are usually about 20-25 and the food has a budget of EUR 900. Kok must therefore be frugal. In a rapid calculation fulker of one person per day for food can be used for about five euros. Fillet is not an option, and much more needs to be done by yourself. Fortunately, in the summer, for example, fulker many domestic vegetables are out of season and therefore preferred.
Summer cooking ingredients. This year kokkikaverikseni took my brother, whose cooking skills are on this blog many times before admired. At the outset, we faced an awkward dilemma when something just behind the tree became a national holiday called Pentecost. We had taken the previous day to buy wholesale dry goods, but planned to purchase milk, etc. From a camp near the area's trade in goods - but those were all closed. Desperate suhaamisen fulker is the result of The little service station and decided to find out with a minimum of the next day. A little nervous since the beginning of all, however, was perfect. fulker Nothing stuck to the bottom, the food was mostly the appropriate amount and the tykättiin much (or participants then were good & very motivated to lie) and the outfit was nice! The camp site was the kitchen equipment, are good, and there was even a dishwasher. It is just a luxury: fulker I have been protukokkina in places where there is not even running water, or a morning start heating the wood-burning stove, because the electronic is not. The weather was a little rainy weeks in the kitchen, but it did not matter. To spare free time with my brother played the computer (and ourselves as well known as the old, by the realization that the computer of our games was older than the campers), read in books or considered to be a TV series. But because of the close ruokalutahdin free time was scarce: the morning started puuronkeitolla and other aamiaishommilla at seven o'clock. Breakfast is served in the camp, namely, 8.00, and yes to manufacture it for about an hour goes, if you want after waking also wash your teeth and comb your hair. You usually sleep a little before eleven, for the evening meal until ten countries, and then to keep a little more to clean up. Director-Katri liked porridge. And jams. Change the breakfast. Fun protukokkaamisessa is that the chef is the freedom to do whatever food only. We made the 15-year-olds generally popular dishes such as pizza and spaghetti with minced meat sauce, but also borscht soup and tofu-bataattisalaattia (pizza after the figure below). Protuleiri markets itself as a kind of aikuistumiskokemuksena, and I think it is also the fact that expand their views also food-related cases. It was really nice to get this year to the end of the camp, the kind of feedback that seem strange to the top of the food species (such as the very borscht and Sweet potato) were proved to be delicious.
Some of the stuff could really go a little past the campers. I think that none of them noticed that I had, for example, self-collected fox bread salad. Spruce the preparation of tea I drank all by yourself in the kitchen, when Ekana morning quite common trade green teetäkin was considered "a little leväisen flavors", and presented to the gentle request saana next black tea.
There were eight baking trays of pizza, almost all different. The gang devoured them in fifteen minutes. Vääksyn avocados were pale. Probably fulker due to the rainy summer. We did almost every day for lunch of soup, because it is easy and cheap manufactured on a large group of friends. The soup Friend You baked always fresh rolls - that too is a way to save money compared to buying bread. And sämpylätaikinaan is terribly convenient to hide puuronjämä morning. In addition, is it nothing better than a fresh, warm bread. At least our campers did not consider it. Sämpyläpinoon attack on the back, only a couple left. Protuleirillä be honest that also er
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