Body parts were found based on information from letters found in an apartment recently arrested Luka Bojovic, stating terrifying details of murder, which shocked Spain, Press. In a letter written in Serbian revealed that zemunci sofinor after the murder of collaborators Milan Jurisic ate his prostate and penis. Jurisic was, by own admission, killed and dismembered Srecko Kalinic, he told Croatian inspectors after his arrest.
It is alleged that Jurisic was killed after an argument with Luka Bojovic, which broke out due to females. He was killed with a hammer in the head, and then dismembered by sawing wood. The letter stated that after some body parts eaten.
The letter says that the first eaten prostate and penis, 'because that is the first thing to eat. As set out, Kalinic in crime helped Milos Simovic. After the dismembered body parts were thrown into the mincer, but she, from a bullet that had already been in Jurišićeva body, stuck and broke down.
But the meal prepared by the not eaten, but the lunch called upon the Government fool, who had eaten goulash not knowing that he had eaten the former friends. Spanish media claim that the remains of the body that are grind packed in black bags, mixed with fertilizer and dumped into the river. 'The whole apartment was covered in blood and grease, it took them five days to thoroughly cleanse', according to media reports.
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