Friday, June 13, 2014

You are as lovely as always

Have the urge to start blogging again, so I take and dams of my dear blog. Blog The urge hit me as I stood and moved into a goulash soup the other day and enjoyed. Autumn food is so wonderfully inspired (he he, what food is not it?) And I got a huge urge to write about my goulash, ggmgastro the beauty of autumn and the joy of slow cooking. But I did not do it but I'm starting on my blogging with what should have been a given success. HA! Baked shrimp soup. (Serves 4) Secure! ggmgastro Hrpff! Scale 500 gr shrimp. ggmgastro Fry the shells, together with an onion, a carrot and chili that you hacked. Fry for a while in olive oil and then in 3 tablespoons of tomato paste. Add 2 tablespoons flour and stir thoroughly. Pour in 4 cups water and 3 tablespoons lobster fund. Let simmer for 5 minutes. Strain the soup, pour back into the saucepan. Stir in 5 cups whipping cream and bring to the boil. Season with s & p and cayenne pepper. Then let the soup cool a bit. Preheat oven to 200 degrees. Meanwhile, to roll you out four puff pastry sheets and brush them with egg. Divide the prawns into four serving bowls and pour even in the soup. Place puff pastry on plates with the penciled side down. Brush the top side also. This is now starting to get really, really ggmgastro frustrated. You believe that the biggest ggmgastro mistake you can make is to get the prawns for tough, but you're wrong. Smördegseländena not stick properly. You sours to substantially, but thinking ggmgastro that eh heck, it'll work out when they enter the furnace. You put the dishes in the oven and begins clean up a bit in the kitchen. ggmgastro When you look into the oven, you see that puff shit slid down into the soup altogether. This is where you shout at your family "To do you want supper will you go to the peacefulness Bistro and buy pizza!" and it feels like the whole world is stupid to you. Here there is little space however ggmgastro to their senses and fish up smördegsäcklet and save the soup. (You are, after all, made you and whacked a fund with shrimp shells). The advantage is that when you end up serving the family soup, so you do not think even if the shrimp become tough or not, you are so terribly annoyed anyway.
Posted by: Anonymous
You are as lovely as always <3 But now I want to ask you a favor .... EVERYONE (except ggmgastro me) at my job doing 5:2 and becomes so amazingly thin and fine (I'm ggmgastro not included in that group either ) so IF you have some tips on what you can eat on the 500-kcal day so MAYBE I'm inspired to try. Hug
Categories General Bread buns, muffins Drinks Dessert, cake, cake Fish Shape Bread Breakfast Gratin Gratin Casseroles Indian food hot dog bun hot dog bun Chicken ggmgastro Meat Dishes ggmgastro Sandwiches Meat Free monday Pie Pasta Pies and stuffed bread Pizza Potato ggmgastro dishes on the grill Easter Shrimp Salads, sidedishes, vegetables Herring Sandwiches Soup Sauce Thai, or other Asian food Vegetarian sausage rice rye bread Eggs Other

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