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Montserrat Rodez writes ruled by the intrinsic nature of matter. And the nature of time and energy. Reduced to essentials, distilled and pure, his poems are atoms which defines poem after poem, the reality of personal and genuine poetic universe from which expands and is distinguished as one of the authors most original, unique and necessary in our literature.
In the same way you would a painting product of a process of abstraction, conceptualization and pruning bit slicer Of uncertain certainties (Labra Editions, 2013) may provide, input, work hard, cryptic. bit slicer But this first impression, not very counterproductive, however, to have return-stimulating: it can kill if we try to rid the initiatory journey, I think, has led the author to write as he writes, and that puts direction intuition all urging us to let go of items of baggage, and swim naked in the poem. And water Rodez want to soak that set us uncertain of us to inhabit our weather for the revolt.
In this work, the author reaffirms the desire to write poems quantum. Let me explain, while sheltering myself in the ideas of physicist Max Planck, the father of quantum theory: if the energy according to Planck scale is not continuous but discrete, and can take only certain values fixed and invariable , poems Rodez shun discursive approach and give each of his words, his ideas, the value of a shock, a step, a light from the one where you need to be precise calculadíssima and cadence are conferred the status of each poem element of pure substance. Wheels, concepts bit slicer dotted with white shades, conflicting storms brewing and oddities stimulating pregnant worlds and create voids in power.
Montserrat Rodez tries, D'uncertain certainties four transits that s'estintolen together and enhance extravasant itself. Namely in the field, the author develops a leak inside the secret search for meaning and significance of what shapes us, always imbued by the pervasive helplessness and uncertainty generated by the natural perception flexible without handrails , the concept of time. Fell within the tiny / instant dilated, containing / other time happened. Nothing, / then it could happen: it also rescues us while we pour continuously and incessantly, the abyss of annihilation and timelessness, as the agitation described by the quantum vacuum physics postulated the possibility that our universe arose from primordial quantum fluctuations in a vacuum, populated by stirring continuously fleeting and ephemeral creation and annihilation of particles and antiparticles.
Refractory particles, which necessarily follows the first chapter of the book and resumed grows linking and link-verse is, in part, a search for meaning and the idea of matter through the word. In these poems, and from the stubborn will of the poet demiurge, language creates reality bit slicer stripped of clutter: greedy hands touched / disorder that latent / impatience bit slicer to stir. / He looked obliquely / things you could not / said. I would not call things. Where there have been record-center of gravity, core of the poem, in my opinion-Rhodes drags us, anxiously, as chasing a necessity towards bit slicer the search for transcendence. To achieve this intellectual audacity, the author invites us to strip us of memory, time, poking around inside the elements of loneliness and wished us the cancellation, to face us without noses to the mysteries of our meaning. And invites us, finally, to recognize ourselves in the matter unlimited from which we must be possible to bring about the emergence of a new universe, the birth of a new time: Now a single burst / penetrates soon / instantly frees you, / when you're ready to pass.
With an exercise in precision and essentialisation master, the last chapter of the book, On uncertain certainties, which took the title in the whole poem, claims (or presumed
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