Monday, December 23, 2013

Freixas Friday Cesk present his new album

Even Rest.Catalunya C / 15 Carnation Restaurant Even The Pots, Plaza San Miguel, Workshop 3 Auria SCCL Even, C / Pedro Bosch Soldevilas, No. 18 Restaurant Salt and Sugar Even Paseo Verdaguer Corner Restaurant 167 Even Traginer Street Carriers, 5, Vinnart Even, Town Hall Square, 10 93 804 88 86 low CEINA Even, 7-9 Europa sobadoras Avenue sobadoras Dental Care. Even Dr. Sergi Torne, Avenue Balmes 30 Jewelry Even Trias, Plaza de la Cruz, 22 Management Galtés Even, Rambla General Vives 39 Cal Jerome restaurant sobadoras Òdena Pastry Plan Igualada Igualada Igualada Rambla Nova 43 Taxis, Avenue Balmes, 14 Furnace Jorba Jorba Hotel 36 Avenue Canalettes Robert La Pobla de Claramunt Avda.Catalunya 1 08787 Workshops Fermin Valls Even SL c /. Germany, 33 Dynamic Sport Even, Britain, 24 Supermas Supermarkets, Alice Balcells Even Podiatry, New, 46 Sarauto Even Even, Balmes Avenue 28
Argençola Bellprat Cabrera d'Anoia Calaf Calonge de Segarra Capellades Carmen Castellfollit Riubregós Castellolí Copons The Heather Meadows The King of Hostalets Pierola Even Jorba La Laguna La Pobla de Claramunt La Torre de Claramunt Masquefa Montmaneu Òdena Orpí Piera Pujalt Rubio St. Martin St. Tous Martin St. Peter Sesgueioles Sallavinera Santa Margarita Santa Maria Miralles Montbui Vallbona d'Anoia Veciana Igualada
<Previous | Next> Argençola Festival and a performance Bellprat Ceska Freixas Cesk Freixas: 'The country is experiencing a time of turmoil bases citizens' sobadoras Society Friday, August 6, 2010. 03.00h peoples Anoia still celebrating sobadoras their festivals. This weekend is the turn Argençola and Bellprat. One of the highlights of the concert is Bellprat Ceska anoiadiari Freixas has declared: 'This sobadoras is the first time we present a new album in Anoia even though sobadoras he had played in the region in the past. "
Freixas Friday Cesk present his new album 'The hand of those who are waiting' to Bellprat in the acts of the festival in the town. Cesk Freixas said this new album is closer and more personal than before sobadoras although it remains collective, therefore, the singer confesses: 'We tried to work around the awareness, both individually and social, it is inevitable sobadoras talk of the country, sobadoras work and identity '. Cesk is very happy with the reception of his new album, 'In five months we have sold almost 3,000 copies, with no official release and so far this year, we have conducted more than 100 performances.' One of the most popular songs of the album is 'The small town dry wadi' and in the video there appears Igualadina Xantal Gabarró. Cesk a musician has always been committed to the cause Catalan sobadoras and states that "The country is in turmoil momnet regarding the bases citizens. The music must inevitably serve as a means of communication and should help palrar these things, as a tool to contribute our grain of sand in the process of independence 'Festival Bellprat Friday 6th August 20,30 - 23,00 cinema - Ceska FREIXAS Performance Presentation new album "The hand of those who await" 00.30 - Mobile Disco DJ until the early hours. Bean and animation by annoy. Saturday August 7 in the morning to free sports activities 17.30 - Ringing of Bells, children's entertainment show, entertainment for the kids and hot chocolate for all 20,00 - Football match-room, with married women 00.00 - Dancing with the orchestra Aquarama, with traditional dances and lantern bouquet. At the end of the dance, in the morning, draw several batches and then sausages for everyone. Sunday August 8 from 2.00 to 14.00 / 16.00 to 18.00 Inflatable American Bowl, the quitxalla12 30 Solemn involving organist CORI streams and monitor LEONARD singing DEL RIO. Initially, snack Festival 20.00 - Havana sobadoras XALOC by the group, accompanied by rum. Argençola Festival Saturday August sobadoras 7 18h 21h Botifarrada popular children's activities on the square. Popular dinner. The meal includes sausage and bread. Ticket price: 2. (Gift strips raffle) Tickets in the same place. 22h Racing Mayte comedy show by Mayte Careers. 23h Dance Music Festival in fresh Duo Rosalinda. 01h Pop-Rock Concert in the Plaza Party with Mr. Nilson covering international pop-rock music live. Sunday 8 August 12h> Mass-craft festival in the church Argençola. Solemn Profession Festival. 13h> Tribute to the elderly people at the social. Tribute: Mr. Antonio Balcells Vilaplana ISRA. Maria Padron Rosell19h Magical Afternoon in the square. Magic show by Magician Eugene. sobadoras And then dance finale with Zarabanda.
Hey! Capellades there will be! Thursday 12 August, the Feast

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