Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Cereals, roots and tubers (cassava, potatoes) are sources of carbohydrates, oils, butters, margarin

This blog I did for wishing gordit @ s report on a cure for obesity morbid Obeso was operated by Dr. Guevara in 2007, where I decided to make this blog. "HARD FAT" I put it, contrary to popular belief, the obese are not happy, and has many problems in their daily lives. Dr. Adolfo took the name of my blog for your surgery center, BUT THE BLOG AND DURA MARK MY PROPERTY ARE FAT. Contacts to duragordura@gmail.com
A balanced or balanced diet is one that through the foods that are part of each provides nutrients in the proportions that the body needs for healthy functioning meals.
When the body (body) processes the food components (apart from the fibers), these provide energy (calories) needed for each part of the body carry out their duties, as well as vitamins and minerals for these processes are carried out as expected.
No food product in its natural condition is one source of a nutrient or nutrient. For practical lexen juicer purposes, the food has been grouped on the basis of the predominant lexen juicer nutrient composition. Thus, animal foods are best source of good quality protein.
Cereals, roots and tubers (cassava, potatoes) are sources of carbohydrates, oils, butters, margarines are sources of fat. Besides good quality protein, foods containing animal fat of various types whose excess can cause effects to disadvantages outweigh the benefits of proteins if they are consumed lexen juicer in large quantities, as in many unbalanced diets, such as very high or very low carb protein diets.
To know the amount of each food you should eat to consume grams or ounces is needed for each nutrient, no need to sit at the table with a scale or balance, or a composition table food, just keep in mind some basic principles.
It is very easy to imagine lexen juicer the dish divided into three sectors of similar size, the first, rich in carbohydrates (rice, pasta, some kind of root or tuber), the second lexen juicer by a good source of good quality protein (lean beef , chicken, fish, eggs, cheese), the third with a good portion of fresh vegetable salads, accompanied with a serving of fruit.
This way of integrating the dish is a good step towards equilibrium, although some people, depending on their age, weight and physical condition (overweight or underweight) more or less need to restrict the quantities, especially the first two groups food, the energy capacity (energy) is much higher than that of the fresh vegetable salad. The salad can fill the dish surface that is free to reduce portion sizes of carbohydrate and protein sources, taking care to select very high in oils and mayonnaise dressings, because they themselves can significantly increase the caloric value of a salad .
An always current and applicable to most of the population is the principle of moderation in the use of fat in cooking or at the table (such as butter on bread or oil in salads). Unless lexen juicer there are reasons to the contrary, in many preparations, simply use a small amount of oil to add flavor to foods.
Although a person consumes lexen juicer large amounts of food, you can be malnourished if you eat a balanced diet. Also, eating too much can cause overweight and obesity and therefore increase lexen juicer the risk of serious diseases such as hypertension, angina pectoris, heart conditions, diabetes and arthritis. Many people consume more saturated fat and sugar starches and fiber, which results in an increased risk of cardiovascular disease.
Although a balanced and balanced diet is recommended for almost everyone, including vegetarians, people from all countries and obese, is not appropriate for everyone. Children under two years, for example, should consume whole milk, and dairy products also need more than adults, but between 2 and 5 years, as they are integrated into the family diet, begin to apply the settings of a balanced diet. People with special nutritional requirements and who are under treatment should consult their doctor about whether a balanced diet is right for them.
A balanced diet must necessarily include all food groups in the following proportions: 6 servings of complex carbohydrates, 5 servings of fruits or vegetables, lexen juicer 2 servings of milk or yogurt (or soy milk enriched

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