Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Thanks to our lousy figures, more than 15 years it was in Luganda power does not change with the sa

Well, not really that good in Lviv. Coming from almost any European state through Lviv, it is immediately obvious - that is, the Motherland. All zasrat, ppienk people are angry and quite neprisposoblen ppienk city life. While traveling from daunbassa in Europe, yes, I think - that is, Europe has started, not like every Lugansk. ppienk
Thanks to our lousy figures, more than 15 years it was in Luganda power does not change with the same constancy razvivaetsya.I Voters not only to blame for this (remember the 21 votes tankista.) There really no perspektiv.Nakuy fells otsetava nada) Integrate into cattle -Society reluctance!)
Thump - yes! And it is possible to organize a panel Buhanov to protest against anything? Ie come under mountains or regional council, to cover the clearing and buhaaaaaaaaaaaaaat! A morning collectively puke on stage. I think I invented a new flash mob (R)
A co Prolisky branch in the City Council opened? Thump about not new. A solemn and thump organized to protest ppienk - it cool. And every protest against his. I'm like, ready to thump the ball under his paw against Leo. :)
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spershu on yakus myt hotіlos skazati - so, mi .... sama takі that pіznіshe ... korotshe, druzi - zasmuchuytes not, you are all vdastsya all bude goodness - ve just zhivіt, rozvivaytes, not th ... zasmuchuytes Bukhaev ...... i do not =) pi. si. we have, in Lviv, TER іdealno all =)
Not zasmuchuytes E TER yak vzhe here said no іdealnі. Smut dwellers pobіlshe blogerіv denunciations of such people Dumka scho E odnakovі i tidied qiu stereotypical face of Skhid that Zahid. Mi Vsi live in odnіy derzhavі.
then Bulo b duzhe klasno yakbi us bula normal Krajina. mіsyats to three dnі їzdiv Luhansk. shos vi zastryagli Troch, Skoda. Hoch - dumaєte, lviv not stuck? Bulo b alkaline lіpshe, yakbi morally zrіlі people took the right ...
Triman luganchanam - i Vahom Pershiy Krok to rozvitku - Tse rozumіnnya of scho E vіdstali. Tom Pershiy Krok in rozvitku Wee Zroby :) Well DALI - triman I i bogato people іz zahіdnoї Ukrainy pіdtrimuyut you! You chudovі zemlі (Cudi I to rechі, duzhe want navіdatis) i s i think all viyde hour!
Again these forum trolls trying to fatten someone's negative! I live in Lviv uzhu over 8 years, himself from Simferopol, am a couple of months ppienk in the winter, the food drive through ppienk Kiev. That's what I am! While going along the western Ukraine to Kiev all groomed roads people etc How to move down the track and Odessa to Simferopol, all pipets! (Sovdepiia full, old houses, ppienk endangered villages, poor roads, people look rumpled. ppienk This suggests standards of living in these areas). No need to drive on the Lions! In this city, educated patriotism for their homeland, instilled Ukrainian culture. And do not be one size fits all saying "Bandera" take a trip to the city and you'll understand! I love my country, I love its people, I will protect her! And do not be a parasite in this country, such as all shit and I piled etc. Glory to Ukraine!
I work as a truck driver for Ukraine.I on these things often happen and Donbas-East and Volyn-Zapade.Raznitsa ppienk huge (((. Pro-Russian sentiment in the east heated authorities - Bandyuk. Mole "Rosseya - around the mother and who is against that and Banderovets Vuiko. recently visited a couple of days and Stakhanov and Bryanka (kartohu employment brought) - Prodavateli, did not even tell people that she spoke to the Volyn-Sum.Narod even suspecting that kartohu the West shied away from it as from radioactive O_O . and in general I like to go back in the nineties - tracksuits, golden chain with polkilovymi crosses, stooping bratkov.Razgovory its weight the same and that there zhe.Vobschem murchanie.No race - thanks to a goal and panatseya.Vse authorities koie blasphemed all Ukrainian and extol "senior ppienk sestrichku.Grustno. Kieva.Nynche I with Donetsk ppienk and then scatter and Donbas already doing ((((((
Again these forum trolls trying to fatten someone's negative! I live in Lviv uzhu over 8 years, himself from Simferopol, am a couple of months in the winter, the food drive through Kiev. That's what I am! While going along the western Ukraine to Kiev all groomed roads people etc How to move down the track and Odessa to Simferopol, all pipets! (Sovdepiia full, old houses, endangered villages, poor roads, people look rumpled. This suggests standards of living in these areas). No need to drive on the Lions! In this city, educated patriotism for their homeland, instilled Ukrainian culture. And do not be one size fits all saying "Bandera" take a trip to the city and you'll understand! I love my country, I love its people, I will protect her! And do not be a parasite in this country, such as all shit and I piled etc. Glory to Ukraine!
This is me then provocateur? No, I just do not renounce their native language, ppienk I remember those who defended my land from the Nazis, I do not get cancer ppienk before the Austrian aliens, I do not succumb to assimilation. But you - the fifth column traitor.
unfortunately, because of people like you - and is associated with donbass bydlotoy, with the power that you (and all

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