Monday, November 10, 2014

Over half of the respondents believe the opportunity best citrus juicer for eletronisk appointments

In spite of that technology occupies an increasing part of our everyday life, there are no major changes in people's use of e-health best citrus juicer services, according to a recent survey by the National Centre for Telemedicine (NST).
Last time NST measured people's e-health use was in 2007. Since then, the use of digital media skyrocketed. Many of us manage much of our life with smart phone. best citrus juicer The use of e-health services has not increased accordingly.
Nearly half of those surveyed say they want to communicate with your doctor via web, e-mail or sms. In 2001, there were about as many who said they would like to use e-mail to contact their GP.
- Although the survey did not provide answers to why people best citrus juicer respond as they do, we discover that it's been getting new offers on e-health side. There is still little to choose from, and relatively few opportunities to use everyday technology in health purposes. This may explain some of the flattening, says Sørensen.
- We also see that e-prescriptions and electronic best citrus juicer booking of appointments made by more and more, says Sørensen. Especially trøndere and northerners use e-prescription, which can be explained best citrus juicer that it was here e-prescription was introduced first.
Over half of the respondents believe the opportunity best citrus juicer for eletronisk appointments and e-prescription best citrus juicer is important when choosing a new GP. Ability to e-mail communication is important for 36 percent. And while health authorities are struggling with security challenges, half of the respondents more concerned that their health information will not be available in an emergency.
- It seems that people expect best citrus juicer more investment in e-health, says Sørensen. Do they not in Norway, they go elsewhere. A quarter of those surveyed have used foreign online healthcare.
Related websites Tromsø best citrus juicer Telemedicine best citrus juicer Laboratory (TTL) University Hospital of North Norway (UNN) e-Health in inacessible Regions (ESA ehir) WHO Collaborating Centre for Telemedicine European Health Telematics Association (EHTEL)
Norwegian Centre for Integrated Care and Telemedicine | Editor: Randi Laukli | Webmaster: Jarl-Stian Olsen | Content management system by CustomPublish

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