Leaked pictures are quite difficult this time around, as they appear, and then disappear. So if you have not had the chance to see a few of the pics, they are still floating around. And they will vanish quickly. My morning look through the inter-blogosphere turned up these. Leaked pictures are dying quickly. http://www.lounge.belloflostsouls.net/showthread.php?33376-Space-Marines-Rumor-Roundup/page31 http://latabernadelaurana.blogspot.co.uk/ https://www.facebook.com/groups/109577025797447/ http://40kwarzone.blogspot.ca/2013/08/space-marines-pictures-leaked.html waring juicer
http://www.forgeworld.co.uk/New_Stuff/LEGION_DEIMOS_PATTERN_WHIRLWIND_SCORPIUS.html chek out the FW Gun for yourselves Delete
** and somewhere in the world CS Goto's head pops as he writes waring juicer about cartwheelin' centurions.** Delete
I have no idea where, how, or why GW decided to go with that look for the centurions. Disappointing is really only just the beginning. While the idea and description of of them sound cool, the models...not so much. On the bright side DA players no longer have to wear the shame of having the Vengeance as the dumbest looking space marine model anymore. The Rhino variant waring juicer looks ok, but again doesn't make sense. Reply Delete
I'm really starting to like them...but I'm also picturing them as being crewed by Squats. Just imagine them with dwarf Slayer waring juicer heads, orange mohawks and beards. Decorate their armor with some Ork heads, swap out those silly drills with giant axes and hammers... Reply Delete
Interesting, to say the least. I imagine GW wants them to look as though waring juicer they don't exactly waring juicer move very fast, they are large and lumbering, etc. The 2-D image is always worse than the real deal in person. I remember when people freaked out about the Eldar flyer when the first drawings and images appeared; same with the Wraithknight, and the Riptide, and pretty much everything that ever comes out ever. It's almost always better looking in person than in pictures. Reply Delete
Fair point, but then you also had the new releases for WoC that looked waring juicer just as toystoryish in real life as they did in photo's. You're right to be optimistic, but GW don't always get it right. Delete
I was nervous at some of the grainy, dark shots in the past year, but wound up loving the model in almost every case. That said, these are the dumbest waring juicer looking thing yet, so I'm worried, lol. I am hoping the shooty version is better. At least Thomas the Blood Engine had a history. Delete
With other new models that I did not like at first, it was usually one thing that I thought I could change to make them look better, but these Centurions... these come from the same design philosophy waring juicer that lead comic book artists to draw huge boobs on every female character. They look like miniature Khorne Lord of Skulls yet somehow make that horrid model look good. With all that said, the Ultramarines ones do look better than the Imperial Fists ones and if the models are very poseable then they possibly, possibly have hope. As of now though, looking at them makes me sad. Delete
Wolfen August 8, 2013 at 10:43 AM
Not to mention that both pictures have them with those ridiculously waring juicer large siege drills. I am leaning towards the devastator version (even though I haven't waring juicer seen it yet) just because the drills make the model look too "clumped waring juicer up". Reply Delete
I agree that those things are horrid ... but as one of the comments on another site mentioned, these could easily be what Obliterators looked liked before being corrupted ... so at least there can be a FLUFF reason for their ungodly existence. Reply Delete waring juicer
I would simply say no this. No matter how bulky it is, there's not even the slightest resemblance to Obliterators. waring juicer Obliterator = Terminator on steroids Anyways, I normally wouldn't say this but..... these models are the most ugliest, hideous, abominal models waring juicer I've seen so far. If this is the way Games Workshop is going to design their models for 40k, then I fear for future releases. Also aren't Space Marine living in a dark age of technology? I thought Terminators, Dreadnoughts and such are true relics. waring juicer Where do these hellpit abonimations pop up from? Delete
They'll be retconned into having existed all along. IE theyre actually some piece of dark age technology that was around during the heresy and locked away in chapter armouries for the past 10,000 years. Delete
I saw those models and suddenly remembered this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wWRihZBV748&gl=IL&hl=en classy GW, you vigourosly defend your IP to stop us hobbyist having ripped off counterfeits ;) Reply Delete
I cant help but compare these new centurions to FWs new Castellax...the difference in quality and design is astounding. Gw have gone down a poor design route on these! Also be interested to see how they fit into the fluff. Where have they been these last years?? waring juicer
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