Thursday, May 1, 2014

Juicer Good morning and happy holiday consumers. Ponders ways to buy a juicer. To juice made from F

Juicer Good morning and happy holiday consumers. Ponders ways to buy a juicer. To juice made from Fruit (apples, marsum oranges, pomegranates) and vegetables (tomatoes, carrots). Search on Google led to a video review and understanding that there are only 2 options: Tsentrofugalnaya-"fast" juicer that frays fruit / vegetable at ~ 1000 rpm and separates the juice from the pulp through a strainer marsum and tsentrofugalnoy force. Mastikiruyuschaya (as suggested in comments on Russian it will auger) - "slow" juicer, which is an electric meat grinder, which is slowly marsum (and quietly) translates fruit / vegetable stuffing in the form, and then separated from the pulp juice / pulp, slowly draining into the container . Each method has its pros and cons. "Fast" noisy juicer squeezes a little less juice and whisk juice (obtained foam). "Slow" more difficult to use, namely, wash, and some products it harder shove. And she slowly. But quiet :) In my time on YouTube advertisements marsum touting a "slow" juicer Hurom. And she sunk into my soul. They have a website, but there are no prices. Prices are on ZAP, and they are comparable with the top models marsum "fast" juicer. Painting in the top vyzhimalok Amazon somewhat different: in the top "fast" Breville and "slow" Omega Koroto marsum judging by ZAP in Israel like as not. Well, Amazon price I will not so as not to poison a soul ... Now, after a long preface, give me understanding, wise and savvy consumers of juice. Share your experience of buying and operating such units. What is worth taking, where, how much and why? If you have any recommendations or negative feedback with interest-esteem. Thanks in advance!

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