Monday, October 21, 2013

2 - OBJECTIVE To present through the metalogrfico travel juicer assay and of its micrographical anal

2 - OBJECTIVE To present through the metalogrfico travel juicer assay and of its micrographical analysis with the aid of the microscope the morphology and structure of the material travel juicer in study, being determined the micron-constituent compose that it. that these micron-constituent vary the type of analyzed league in accordance with and in accordance with the thermal, mechanical treatments, processes of manufacture and other processes the one that the material has been submitted. The importance of this examination elapses of the fact of the mechanical properties of a metal not only to depend on its chemical composition as well as of its texture. With effect, exactly material one can become malleable, dctil, fragile, elastic, tenacious, etc., as the texture that to present and that can be given by means of mechanical works or adjusted thermal treatments to it. 3 - USED MATERIALS AND METHODS? Body of test: STEEL 1020. Figure 1? Body of Test? Metalogrfica cutting Manufacturer: Teclago Industry travel juicer and Commerce Model CM-40 Voltage: 220V Frequency: 60Hz Power: 1,5 C.V. Rotation: 8420 rpm Figure 2 - Cutting metalogrfica? Manual sander Figure 3 - Manual Sander? Sandpapers d? water (220/260/360) Figure 4 - Sandpapers d? water (220/260/360)? Felt Appears 5 - Felt? Diamantada folder Figure 6? Diamantada folder? Politriz sander Model: 02 PL Series: 2032 Voltage: 220V Frequency: 60Hz Power: 1,4 C.V. Rotation: 600 pulley of 300 rpm and another one of rpm 7 Figure - Politriz Sander? Embutidora Model: M30 Voltage: 220V Frequency: 60Hz Power: 500W Figure 8 - Embutidora? Bakelite Appears 9 - Bakelite? (Nital) nitric acid 2% and, Chemical reagent 98% of etlico alcohol. Figure 10 - Chemical reagent (Nital)? Microscope Samsung SDC-312 Voltage: 100/110/120V Current: 0,8 the Frequency: 50-60 Digital Hz color camera NIKON E200 ECLIPSE Figure 11 - Microscope 4? EXPERIMENTAL travel juicer PROCEDURES 1 Passo - Cut Depending on the size or the format of one has asked for, it can need to be parted.
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NEXT POST ADSL ADSL means Digital Asymmetric Subcriber Line. This uses a standard telephone line to load data and to digitally unload in front of an analogical telephone or the line of fax. The reason by ADSL can work in the same line that its telephone is because it is in a different frequency. If it is the case that you have the telephones in the same line that everything what needs is the filters of the DSL, that eliminates the white noise that comes from service ADSL. These normally come from series when it subscribes to a supplier of Internet in Spain. As its name indicates asymmetric of ADSL talks about to the fact that the rate of unloading in the Internet equipment is superior at the speed of load goes from its PC to Internet. The speeds of load are slower due to the fact that the page requests Web they are smaller and they do not need much bandwidth of way. Therefore, besides the asymmetric lines also it has symmetrical of digital lines (DSL), that are used normally by the companies to guarantee that their width of unloading band it agrees with the bandwidth of ascent. This is quite often the case with the companies that have great sectors of telephony, travel juicer especially with the increase in the use of the technology of VoIP to assure a clear crystal transference Internet voice. The...
PREVIOUS POST Ambient Intelligence These samples will have to exist in a format that can directly travel juicer be interpreted by the human being. travel juicer An example of application of this strategy consists of together printing in paper a representative set of documents of text with its binary representation. This technique infers rules to translate/to convert the original object for the contemporary. One of the great challenges of the digital preservation is that it has an adequate software to find archives digital, to read the binary codification, to interpret the bits by means of the adequate devices of exit. Applicatory the old ones can not ' ' rodar' ' in the machines of today e, therefore, it is suggested that the institution has in functioning old equipment with softwares, old programs so that the information if does not lose. Therefore, the work of Miguel Blacksmith is of great relevance for the academic world and who if it worries in preserving the information in the future. The text is very useful for who works with digital preservation or if it worries in having access the information for long stated period. The information generally are permanent. Therefore, it must be had in account that can more not exist in the future, if will not have one politics of preservation since the beginning travel juicer of the creation of the digital information. Therefore, this workmanship is recommended to guide the ones that work with...
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